20 February 2024 -- Boise, ID "Self Driving" ... is an illusory term. Call it "substitutive driving", because that's what it really is. One driver is being substituted out for another in its place. "The vehicle" is not autonomous, the vehicle is designed to host communicative technologies that call and respond to libraries of information, whether that information is stored locally or is on another machine and is queried over networks. "Cloud Computing" ... is also an illusory term. Call it "offsite storage", because that's what it really is. One local machine offloads some computational ability to another machine over networks. The real kicker? No matter what a company will say to you, to confuse you on what their "smart" products really are, they cannot change the fact that those libraries of information all their "smart" products rely on were at one point sourced from Folk. Those libraries were not dreamed up by some "smart" machine, because no "smart" machine has been made that which can create something from nothing. Beings can create anything, everything, from nothing. Earlier I had a fallout with the only friend group I've made in months, because one of em started going on a tangent getting into arguments about "AI" with the rest of us. Saying all sorts of shit like, "AI art is art, it's here to stay, that's just the reality of it all." I'm having a real bad day reflecting on it all. I kinda wanna die. Here's exactly what I said in response to that derAInged ex-friend: define what exactly it expresses without human input, without relying on human databases of knowledge and information. a human can create art and expression without knowing any of the "rules" of art, without having any prior experience or exposure to media. look at outsider art as whole for many many many examples of this. you wanna stick to the objective facts of it all? ai art, alongside all other speculative machine learning ventures, is an entire market whose contingency relies upon the continual plundering of natural resources of the earth to an unsustainable degree the "reality of the situation" is that corporations get to funnel their marketing and research into this kind of market in order to gain capital and power in an unprecendented way because there is very little regulation, corporations get to waste hundreds of thousands of millions of gallons of water every month to run computers to do a multitude of jobs worse than their already underpaid workers could have done to begin with, all the while getting to save their face by describing the "magic and unparalleled power of artificial intelligence" you cant say you enjoy art and human experience, and uphold that you enjoy art created by machine learning models. a machine is not a human, a machine does not instill a human experience into art. if you genuinely believe artforms from machine learning models are, to any degree, equivalent to artforms from a human, you dont like art -- you like products