20 April 2024 -- Boise, ID luckily ive cut out most things in my life that make me doomscroll It really does kill you. 'fuck the internet' -- NO, this misses the point unfortunately the Web is really the unhealthy part of the internet tbh. not the internet as a whole. like there are other internet-places not on the web that are far healthier. gemini for one i only say this in this way, making this distinction, because for me personally things got a lot better when i made a big active effort in my mind to decouple the idea of the Web and the Internet. i got stuck in this doomer rut for a while thinking ''oh the internet is un-saveable, the internet is doomed, everything sucks, theres no escape from capitalism and the hold it has on our technology'' which is BULLSHIT by the way, absolute BULLSHIT. if your brain keeps telling you shit like this bullshit DONT BELIEVE IT. dont fucking believe it. after i started decoupling the idea of the web and the internet in my head, i started realizing ''hey wait i can still see and interact with plenty of places online that arent the web, and i feel healthier i feel happier'' like its almost as if its in the interests of the capitalists to make you think they have all the power of your means of technology, and we gotta remember we're the ones still building spaces for ourself yaknow they wanna centralize shit to remove you from your community, make you think there is no such thing as a community in an online space, just a vapid senseless void we call ''content'' because it no longer can stand as art it is just production. it is just a factory line. content. product. user. but thats not true and thats not how its gonna stay gotta jettison yourself from all that bullshit and keep doing things because you exist, because you are real because you were here because you are free putting things where you want how you want when you want with who ever you fucking want because you have that dignity etc all the chains you feel around you on community, ''oh i cant leave big social media platform xyz because im gonna lose friends or purpose'' are imagined, they were placed there by someone other than you but you still got the keys, you still got a fucking sledgehammer. hope is a hammer, my friends ''Hope is a hammer, hope is a force!'' it sure fucking is. we will outlive them. all those fucks who wanna beat us down cause our spirit is not profitable. all those fucks who wanna put us in cages cause our lives are sinful proud of u all btw