02 March 2024 -- Boise, ID Fuck! I was doing okay for less than a week before it comes crashing down all over again. I'm so fucking weary of all this. Looking back through old past venting in Other Places and it really is a recurring thing. I need to get out of here, but can't because of my own fear of myself. How it hurts so much because everything compounds on me, I can only keep up the strength to feel like I'm doing nothing more than "surviving" for like, maybe a week at a time. And then it all goes to shit so bad and I wanna die. I'm done with it! I have tests scheduled for getting my GED since I dropped out earlier and never got a diploma, it'll help me get a job, I can get the fuck out of here and start living. Anything to be free, anything to feel something, something to lead me to anything. [Update: I did in fact get those tests done, I now have my GED. Maybe this really is attainable?] Also. Girls literally want only one thing and it's fucking disgusting: a reliable e-mail provider in 2024+, not tied in to AI or crypto grifts, that you can access easily from a standalone desktop client, that wont be sent directly to other folks' spam folders the moment it comes into contact with anyone's inbox