02 January 2024 -- Boise, ID Picked up a 24" monitor from a thrift store today, woah I have so much screen space to use now. I've been using a 15" monitor for ~5 years, and I guess I didn't realize how used to it i was. I think my least favorite criticism of breakcore and its related counterparts is when folks say something like "Bro, my fuckin ears!" or "Of COURSE this is made by a trans girl". It's not that I don't want people to get recognition for their art, it's more that, as a "trans girl musician" myself, bottom line, when people like me are constantly made into some stereotype, it limits the kind of artistic expression we can create. And when we do create art in those limited spaces of which the stereotypes afford us, it becomes even easier for folks to "other" us and pretend like each distinct work of art is just the same as its genre'd-counterpart. And if anything, a lot of songs in this genre are actually mixed really incredibly, especially so for what is essentially bedroom production. It takes a lot of clarity to have all these overlapping elements _simulate_ a wall of noise, _but with each being distinct._ That effort should be appreciated, and folks should not just assume loud = messy. The thing is, this isn't the case when other folks, most notably white cis men, do the same kind of wall-of-noise production, especially so in other genres. In fact, when that happens, it's "hallmarks of great production". Hmm.