13 March 2023 -- Boise, ID The way I frame my belief of the universe, my place in it, the broader goals our species should be moving towards and all that kind of thing ... To me, it makes more sense to not classify it down to a label or an identity. Real human identity is ever-changing and ever-growing, after all. Some people say I would be agnostic, but even then I still don't want to use that label to describe whatever this is for myself because I deny the very concept of labeling it in the first place. I wanna _describe_ myself through _my actions,_ and not _define_ myself through _another's word._ I.e, fuck shit up. Be human. Break tradition. "Traditionalists" complaining about the unacceptable weirdos in society. LMAO. The _real_ tradition is that We've always been here. We always will be. They can't ever fucking change that. Figures of authority who say "that's just the way the world is", as if it isn't possible to continually do what little you can to _improve_ the world. To shape it, to make it more human. To grow. To revitalise and revolutionise the tired norms to ensure survival of the greatest living species in our known universe, _ourselves_. To leave our mark on this universe through our love and compassion, and not through our violence. To love is to be real, to be real is to try. This universe loves you. Your queer friend loves you. I fucking love you. We will endlessly protect our queer and transgender family out there, even after our death, and "traditionalists" will not and cannot ever take that from us. I hope you are doing well. I am here if you need me. We are here, we will be. "Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist." ... It’s real awoo hours ngl. Veronica from Veronica Explains is a femme Alec from Technology Connections. Oh, and in case you're wondering how today's been going, I just spelled "how" as "hough" :P