05 April 2023 -- Boise, ID None of these are emojis - grilled cheese - lawn mower - blanket - pillow - crowbar In other thoughts ... Genuine question for y'all: what is one thing about software or whatever THAT YOU FEEL NORMAL ABOUT? Or neutral, ambivalent, relatively fine about? Not something that you think is "evil", not something that you think is bad, no -- something that you can have a reasonable discussion with another person about? One where you can go, "It's neat you like that, it's not my thing but I'm glad this makes you happy?" Seeing everyone in the tech community always measuring up to each other and puffing their chests about, like it means anything to have a discussion about what _plain text editor is best_ (eyeroll) -- like come on does that really help any of us. No. It does not. Just be normal with each other!! Kill the part of your brain that is endlessly comparing and judging and hating!! Love the universe for once!!! Support your comrades by just saying "let's share this space together" instead of constantly wanting to push everyone off the edge because of whatever!! I encourage y'all to say "I like this thing, I do not like that thing" and not say "This is the greatest, that is the worst" I found another great example of exactly what I mean by all this. (Scratches off the "Number of days since last Techfolk-be-Kind-Challenge Incident" and writes zero) I really enjoy using Openbox as a window manager. I am comfortable with it, yadda yadda yoo. However, as of lately I have been interested in adding/finding patches to it, so that I could group windows together by tabbing them. A functioning example of this concept can be easily seen in Haiku's window managing system. I decided to look this up -- information on patching Openbox for tabbed windowing -- to see if anyone had already done so, and this is what I found very quickly. It is a _scathing_ dismissal from Scott Moynes, a main(?) developer for Openbox (at least, at the time in 2003). See here: http://icculus.org/pipermail/openbox/2003-April/000491.html To a point, I get his statements and I understand his position. But I feel like it's not as large of an issue as he describes. It _certainly_ does not require the type of defeatist language, nor the degree of toxicity he uses here. If an application prefers to -- or indeed is signalled to -- open tabs inside the pre-existing application window, then continue to let it do that. If an application prefers to -- or indeed is signalled to -- open tabs as a new window, then let continue to let it do that. The availability of window tabbing functionality means that the end user can then decide to group the windows together -- whether by tabbing them from those seperate windows to one now-grouped tabbed window, or whether by splitting the in-window tabs off into new windows and then grouping those together to one now-grouped tabbed window. This is not an issue, this is not something new. Web browsers work in this way and have worked in this way since before Moynes made his post, as he even admits inside of it. It just reads as being defeatist for the sake of his own personal opinion -- which is the worst kind of way to be a part of the Linux community. Or the wider tech community as a whole. Or, fuck, even any community imaginable. Urgh. I'm going to continue looking for others patches, and if I can't find any ... then I guess I'm gonna try to patch my Openbox system myself. No promises on it being pretty, but at least I'm trying.