05 April 2023 -- Boise, ID Girls love to know the stars burned and raged to form dust that scattered on solar winds, dancing with dark matter like a ballad, to aggregate and walk a lonely road until the most peculiar coordination of ways manifested itself into the creation of our fibers, into every beat and breath that carries us to shape the universe as it has shaped us! I just have this hope with things because to have that kind of hope is the most punk shit. In a capitalist world intent on raping and pillaging the most resources that make us the most human, in a world where the man wants you dead more than ever and you have less control than ever to change the means of that system, you have to have to have to keep your sisters your brothers and family alive no matter what. Idk, I've just been trying to fight that urge to think the world is terrible and evil and to be sad and hurt all the time. Loving my people is the best way out of that for me. <-- failgirl, but you love to see her stand up with a smile on her face