08 March 2020 -- Eagle, ID when it is late and the sky is bright from the moon shining her gravitational embrace on the face of earth and the ducks sleeping by the creek when the wind is away but the sky remains an overcast a gloomy reminder of the week i had before but it is comforting now at this time of night i find myself a light stranger among sleeping grass and pine-needle trees when i look at the moon, does she look back at me? and if so can she see this space she illuminates? it must be cold out there in space but it is warm or at least room temperature tonight all because she sacrifices herself, never sleeping and continuing to reflect sol's light even at night for one night she must sleep i wish that no media will try to make headlines take advantage of the night take advantage of the moon and her then-beautiful-absence take advantage of nature and people (as if those two are different things) and grab people from their dreams to look at screens saying "look, look! the moon is away!" let them rest at night let stars burn miles and miles away let local grasslands curl and rest let birds and runaway dogs find shelter let the moon find a shadow to embrace let everything find its end to find its beginning let us all rest at night